UN Sustainability Goals
Lighting can be used as an important tool to reach 11 of UNs 17 sustainable development goals for 2030. We have defined 11 reasons why good lighting should be prioritized by decision makers on both national and international plan. These reasons are attached and close to UNs goals and reflects our vision about a more sustainable community.
Sector Lighting
Lyskulturs 11 reasons to prioritize better lighting is higher security, better safety, better experiences, well-being, easier to orient, better health, better climate, less lighting polution, lower energy consumption, better learning environment and better performance. Here are the Sustainable Development Goals that lighting can contribute to reach. In Norlux we have chosen to focus on the following goals:
- 3. Healthy lives and well-being
- 12. Responsible consumption and production
- 17. Partnerships for the goals
Goal 3. Healthy lives and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Well planned lighting can prevent serious health issues as chronic stress, migrene and depression. Well lit outdoor areas are also used more for training and social activities which improves mental health and stables blood pressure and lymph -and nerve system. Investing in lighting in work areas and schools will give higher learning and performance skills in additions to better well-being, health and life quality.
Goal 4. Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Lighting is about to form the physical learning environment so that people with different age and sight prerequisite can orient, socialize and participate in different learning activities. Concentration, humor, energy level and memory are all affected by lighting. The right lighting can optimize learning, performance and well-being for all individuals. For a lighting solution to facilitate for different activities and utilize daylight in the best possible way, light management systems should be implemented.
Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
LED is the most lasting and energy/cost efficient light source on the market today. Projects that focuses on international distribution of energy saving LED-bulbs in developing countries, have given people i rural areas the possibility to study, work and preform other tasks at nighttime. This has strengthen the life quality to individuals and given economical gain for the society they are living in. A quicker transition to LED based lighting will also release energy for the futures higher demand and need for electrical power.
Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
The lighting industry technological development results in new energy and cost -effective light sources, lighting fixtures and management systems. To continue this positive development, decision makers will have to invest in development and production, upgrades of existing facilities and management systems in addition to competence within lighting in projects.
Goal 10. Reduce inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Upgrading of lighting can be one of the easiest and cheapest ways to raise the level of an area. This can contribute democratic and integration of outdoor areas as residential areas, parks, squares, playgrounds and sports areas. Good lighting will make the public areas more available and will give better possibilities for a social life and more activity for more people. Availability of cost efficient electrical lighting in developing countries can also reduce inequalities among countries.
Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Energy efficient lighting is a simple way to minimize energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Quick induction of energy efficient lighting solutions will release energy. This is important to meet our higher energy needs as cities grows and our society becomes more electrified. The correct use of lighting will also contribute to make us feel more safe and more proud of our local areas, which strengthen our affiliation to the area and its identity.
Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
New sustainable measures withing ecodesign and energymarking for lighting products has been decided by the EU-countries this year. Regulations for quality assurance and phasing out products from the market has also been tightened. The industry should invest in development of innovative and energy efficient light sources, lighting fixtures and light management systems with a longer lifespan. Not at least is continuation of recycling and reuse very important to tomorrows goals for a more comprehensive circular economy.
Goal 13. Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
With a new and energy efficient technology and light management systems can we reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from lighting. Todays energy consumption for lighting in Norway is 7-10 TWh, and with help from LED-lighting and light management systems can we reduce the energy consumption with up until 90% indoor and outdoor. In addition to implementing climate friendly lighting solutions in new buildings, should all rehabilitation projects of buildings always include lighting.
Goal 14. Life below water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Light regulate important life functions as reproductions, nutritional intake, migration and growth in marine mammal, amphibious, fish and microorganisms. Light also controls photosynthesis in algiers and corals. Light pollution, specially in coast areas and large watercourses, can harm the biological diversity and food chains in very important ecosystems. By investing in competence, lighting that can reduce these effects be implemented.
Goal 15. Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Through its damageable influence on animals, birds, insects and plants can light pollution threat the biological diversity on land. Some of the functions light pollution can disturb is cycles and patterns in communication, search for nutrition, migration and reproduction for animals, pollination with insects and growth for plants. We need light; good light strengthens safety, security, orientation and health and well-being. By using professionals you can integrate lighting that are energy efficient and reduces light pollution. Further development of efficient solutions for recycling and reuse is important for tomorrows demands for a more comprehensive circular economy.
Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
There is already several international organisations and close cooperations within the global lighting industry. Common regulations, standards and guidelines strengthens this cooperation and the focus on our common goal. If decisionmakers prioritize and use professional competence both nationally and internationally, can we together utilize the global potential within lighting as an advantage for everyone.