Collecting and recycling
Norlux follows the WEEE directive and ensures correct labeling of our products. We sort our own waste and accept EE waste. We are a member of RENAS.
Most countries have regulations for proper collection and environmentally sound treatment of electrical and electronic wasted equipment, WEEE. The regulations states obligations regarding the collection and recycling as well as the financing of the scheme. This applies to such waste from household users (in some countries defined as consumer products) which may end up in municipal waste systems – and this category waste also from other types of users, such as i. e. businesses.
In accordance with local legislation Norlux will accept and temporarily store products Norlux has brought on to the market in Norway. Â This category of products is recognized by a duly placed dustbin logo on the product.
Norlux meets all obligations under the WEEE Directive and equivalent for non-EU countries, as well as its implementation in accordance with the member states’ national legislation. In Norway this is defined in the regulations relating to the recycling of waste, 2004-06-01, no. 930, as amended.
In accordance with national legislation Norlux accepts products that the company has sold in the market after August 13th 2005 – these products are identified by the dustbin logo, placed on the equipment. Norlux also accepts to receive products that the company has sold to the market before August 13th 2005 when they have been replaced by a similar product or a product with similar function. Norlux offers its customers recycling following RENAS guidelines for the collection of products sold by the company. More information is found on the RENAS website.
Norlux AS has an agreement on participation with Norsirk about environmentally responsible collection and handling of WEEE.